Kevin irwin
When there's something Kevin Irwin wants, he goes for it and doesn't look back.
That's how he earned his real estate license in under 30 days, studying and taking classes on top of his then full-time job. It's also how he lost 100 pounds and embarked on a lifelong fitness journey.
Kevin puts that same drive and passion to work for clients he helps as a real estate agent. He was first drawn to the profession when he sold his house and noticed how much fun the agent was having. Throughout his career, he'd been working toward positions that would allow him to serve customers rather than stay behind the scenes, as it was a better fit for his personality. Real estate has been a perfect fit!
Every customer is treated with respect and Kevin prides himself on taking the same care with small listings as he does with million-dollar properties. He goes to battle for people and does whatever it takes to help them find the right home. He also admires entrepreneurs and loves being a go-to guy for people looking to buy investment properties.
In his spare time, Kevin enjoys CrossFit because it combines his love of fitness with an exciting and passionate community of people. He also loves to spend time with his family walking the dog, golfing, mountain biking, kayaking, camping and visiting the Silver Lake sand dunes. Jeeps are another passion, along with working on trucks and engines. Follow @michigan_jeeprealtor on Instagram to see what Kevin's up to.